Fire agencies now equipped with devices to aid with CPR
Local fire agencies now have equipment to help with cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and officials believe it will help save lives in the future.
First responders were trained April 19 on three Lucas CPR-assist devices purchased by Del Norte Ambulance that can provide “life-saving, picture-perfect” CPR for 45 minutes using battery power or A/C or D/C, according to a press release from the company.
Because of the physical demands of the procedure, most humans can only perform CPR five to eight minutes before they tire.
“That means better potential for positive patient outcomes during cases of sudden cardiac arrest,” said Ron Sandler, CEO and paramedic with Del Norte Ambulance.
With the Lucas device, first responders can arrive on the scene and quickly set up the portable unit, giving the patient high-quality, non-stop CPR, he said.
It’s a critical procedure in sudden cardiac arrest cases, and particularly so in rural areas like Del Norte County, where response and transport times are longer than in urban settings, according to Sandler. First responders can use the Lucas machine until Del Norte Ambulance personnel arrive with advanced life support equipment like advanced airway technique and cardiac pacing.
The machines were provided to Crescent City Fire and Rescue, Fort Dick Fire District and the Gasquet Volunteer Fire Department.
“I think it increases survivability for patients,” said Crescent City Fire Chief Steve Wakefield. “It helps us be better at what we do for the patient.”
“We saw a need in the community,” said Sandler. “We applied for the grant, but we didn’t get it, but we thought it was important to make it happen. We are excited that more people will survive thanks to these devices.”